María Dolores Guadarrama Orozco (Mexico/France) was born in the North of Mexico late in the fifties and spent her childhood between the dry wind of the Northwestern Chihuahua, the rigors of the sun and the Rarámuri cold, with the fierce solitude of the canyons, the harsh coarseness of the land. She has published books of poems, written poems. Her life is a perpetual decree of will and dream and love of flying high. She is presently living and working in France.
Ribboned was -I- by the sun at 5 pm, under the clearness of the sky, your voice quoted Poe, the raven of grisly eyes looked at me, she was also happy, and the memory of God treasured her binnacle1 her essay of bougainvilleas and hopes. -Ribboned was I by the clearest light, shaking the tame trade of a poet, sitting -there-, in front of the event of life
1 Binnacle: The sky is an ocean. God draws our lives in His notebook.
Translated by the poet
Ceñida estaba -yo- de Sol como a las cinco de la tarde, bajo el claro del cielo, tu voz citaba a Poe y el cuervo de ojos espeluznantes me miraba, ella también era feliz y la memoria de Dios atesoraba su bitácora1 , su ensayo de buganvilias y esperanzas. -Ceñida estaba yo de luz clarísima, agitando el manso oficio de poeta, sentada -ahí- frente al suceso de la vida. 1 Bitácora: El cielo es un océano, Dios dibuja en su cuaderno nuestras vidas
1 Bitácora: El cielo es un océano, Dios dibuja en su cuaderno nuestras vidas.