Cheran Rudhramoorthy (Sri Lanka/Canada) Dr. R. Cheran is Tamil Canadian academic, poet, playwright and journalist. He is a professor at the University of Windsor in Canada. He has authored over fifteen books in Tamil, and his work has been translated into twenty languages. Several volumes of his work have been published in English translation of Burning (Arc Publications, UK). He has performed his poetry at various International Writers’ festivals in the United Kingdom, Singapore, the US, Indonesia, India, Sweden, the Netherlands, Canada, Ramallah, West Bank, Dubai and Mexico. His plays in English language have been produced and performed in Toronto, Canada, New York, Chicago and New Jersey in the US. Singapore’s modern dance group Chowk has produced and performed a dance play based on his poems titled “The Second Sunrise






Würdest du dich eine Weile zu mir setzen?

Die Schatten sind länger,

der Wind ist kühler,

aber deine Sonne wärmt mein Gesicht.

Lass uns über das Leben lachen,

über die Vergangenheit weinen

und auf die Zukunft hoffen.

Noch mehr, sagst du?

Dann setz dich und sag es mir.

Deine Anwesenheit ist genug.

Sei einfach bei mir,

bis dieser Tag zu Ende ist.




Ich spüre,

wie deine kindliche Freude springt.

Eine Freude so rein,

eine Liebe so unschuldig,

dass die heiligen Engel sich

in Ehrfurcht verneigen müssen.

Dein Gesicht hat einen Glanz,

eine Unverfälschtheit,

die mich nach Hause

in mein Innerstes führt.

Der Schein deiner Echtheit leitet mich

zurück zu dem Glück der Kindheit.

Die Tage, an denen jeder Augenblick

eine Entdeckung war

und ich in Fülle lebte.







Would you sit with me a while?

The shadows are longer,

the wind is cooler,

but your sun warms my face.

Let us laugh about life,

cry about the past

and hope for the future.

Even more, you say?

Then sit down and tell me.

Your presence is enough.

Just be by me until this day ends.





I feel,

your childlike joy leaping.

A joy so pure,

a love so innocent

that the holy angels

must bow down in awe.

Your face has a radiance,

a genuineness

that leads me home

into my innermost being.

The glow of your authenticity leads me

back to the happiness of childhood.

The days when every moment

was a discovery

and I lived in abundance.